The Fourth Economy: Inventing Western Civilization

The book is now available on amazon for kindle or in paperback, and on Barnes & Noble for nook.

Read it if
- you want to learn how a pattern of social invention and revolution that began in medieval times will define the next few decades
- you want to know what comes after the agricultural, industrial, and information economies
- you are tired of the drum beat of doom about the economy and want something hopeful

Western Civilization has been through three great transformations. You get to live through a fourth. This is the story of social invention and progress, a pattern of revolutions that has just begun to repeat. Welcome to The Next Transformation.

Friday, January 26, 2007

W. Edwards Deming on the Future of Capitalism

If you can understand this 5 minute excerpt, you can begin to understand how pervasive are the changes we need to make to the modern corporation.

1 comment:

Susmita said...

Please join my discussion on transforming capitalism in ways that bring the greatest individual and social empowerment for all collectively engaging in learning about the blindspots of the "capital" in Capitalism and changing the system inside out, first inside our minds and hearts and then outside system will change organically and effortlessly.

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Working in the basement on the Escher Expressway (every direction down hill for fuel savings) and Mobius Strip DNA (for immortality).